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VOD Archive

Each year we try to set up a VOD (Video On Demand) archive of as many recorded panels as possible so henches in all timezones and schedules can enjoy the con again and again afterwards.

If a panel you're interested in isn't here, that means it wasn't recorded by staff or by the presenter.

Opening Ceremonies

Opening Ceremonies

Avatar Building w/ Marstruc

Avatar Building

Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe w/ Bishop

Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe w/ Bishop

Villain Costume Design w/ Distressed Egg & Karen

Villain Costume Design 2024

RCG Book Club w/ Skylar Starborn and Dragonkat

RCG Book Club

Glopossum Q&A

Glopossum Q&A

Protest Focused Medicine w/ Jemstone and Paula

Protest Focused Medicine

Intro to Gender Affirming Care w/ Jemstone and Paul

Gender Affirming Care

Synthwave Downshift w/ Blastgoggles

Synthwave Downshift

Charity Sketch Stream for TENT w/ Glopossum

Glopossum Charity Sketch Stream

Tarot for Skeptics and Storytellers w/ Inumo

Tarot for Skeptics and Storytellers

"That's Korps-ect!" with Sybil Throat! w/Distressed Egg & Karen

That's Korps-ect!

DVS Yearly Thirsty Sword Lesbians Game w/ Draekos, PrincessGrace, CorruptiveSpirit, Azure, and Olya

Thirsty Sword Lesbians DVS6

TRDRT Ambient Soup

TRDRT Ambient Soup

Creating Characters for Writing w/ Runa Fjord, Mabel Greysmoke, and Autumn Reynsford

Character Creation

GoH Live read and Q/A w/ Syntax-Takes

Induction Live Reading

Trans Advocacy In The Real World w/ Fresca Husky

Trans Advocacy in the Real World

Smokin' On Death Rays, Vol. 1/w Reese Terezi Juno Deba

Smokin' On Death Rays v1

Editing with Grace (And Vixie): Book Slop Chop Shop

Editing with Grace and Vixie

How to Negotiate Kink w/ Inumo

How to Negotiate Kink

Art Stream w/ ShapelessInk

Shapeless Ink's Art Stream

Game Mastery: Your World as a Character w/ Gwyn

Gamemastery Workshop II Your World as a Character

MFBC Slash or Pass 2: Pass Harder!

Slash or Pass

Finding Your Voice: Voice Acting for Beginners w/ Ta'kom Ironhoof

Finding Your Voice

DVS 6 Charity Auction

Charity Auction

Con Closeout Set w/ Ash

DVS 6 Closing Set

Closing Ceremonies w/ Karen, Distressed Egg, Draekos, SyntaxTakes, & Glopossum!

DVS 6 Closing Ceremonies

DVS 6 Afterparty w/ Staff!

DVS 6 Afterparty