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Visit https://d-v-s.online/stream and tune in on Thursday, August 29th, at 6:00pm / 18:00 ET for the Opening Ceremonies, then on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday between 11:00am - 10:00pm / 11:00 - 22:00 ET for our daily programming! We'll be broadcasting multiple panels simultaneously using Picarto's multistream abilities and archiving as many panels as possible on this site, so don't worry- you won't miss a moment!

Some info subject to change; all updates will be posted to the below schedule sheet.


This year we're also please to present the second edition of our very own convention handbook!

Featuring art, comics, and writing curated by our staff, it's also a great way to keep the event schedule and dealer information close at hand.

Click the cover (drawn by GOH Glopossum!) to start reading it in your browser below or download it here!